Sunday, 6 October 2013

Make A Garment A Month Challenge ...

... and they are all just for ME!!! That's right, the first rule of this challenge is that one garment, in every month, must be for ME! Not someone else. Now this is a challenge for me. 

Sarah Liz, from over at SarahLizSewStyle is hosting this challenge. It is a very easy-going  challenge, started this month, and has lots of great fellow sewers joining up.

So, for the month of October, I will aim to make not one, but two dresses just for ME! First off will be a new basic dress for work, Simplicity 2247 in a cotton fabric. 

But as well as this I would like to trial Butterick 5917 for a more formal look. My son has his Valedictory coming up in early November, and I would love a new dress to wear.

Fingers crossed all goes to plan ... J


  1. I love the Butterick 5917 pattern and I look forward to seeing what you make. Do you have a fabric in mind?

    1. I know, this pattern does look like it has possibilities. As for fabric, it will be something fairly lightweight, as it's heating up here already for Summer...J

  2. So happy your joining in on the challenge.. I love both patterns, and want to congraulate your son on his valendictory. The Butterick pattern will be gorgeous.

    1. Fingers crossed they both make up nicely for me. And thanks for the V wishes - the end of school for my youngest will be a little teary I am sure ... J

  3. Great dresses! I decided to join in but with a twist. I have a pile of things that need to be finished so I am going to work on getting them out of the drawer and on my back!

    1. Good luck with the finishing off - I usually try not to make eye-contact with my pile of unfinished, unloved projects ... J

  4. This is such a rad challenge! I can't wait to see your two makes-for-me!

    1. If they are half as hot as your Tiki 'frock', then I'll be doing the robot dance with you ... J

  5. They're both great patterns, which view are you planning to make of the Butterick? Looking forward to seeing the finished dresses :)

    1. Since it is heading towards the full heat of summer, I was up for the sleeveless version. It always has the option to pop a little summer jacket over if needed ... J

  6. Well, I'm going to use a good Aussie saying here Judith - "Good On You" (said in my formal British accent ! even thought I've been here for 40 years). Can't wait to see your dress - must be about finished - also I am going to make the Butterick dress too - be great to compare our variations. Congrats on your son's Valedictory.

    1. "Well, thanks Mate!" We sooooo should do the Butterick together, how much fun would that be???? I am planning on whipping up a calico muslin in the next week (or so, school goes back tomorrow sadly :() Have you any idea's on fabric yet - plain, patterned, lined - the ????'s are endless ... J

  7. Love these dress patterns!

  8. Oh, goodie - not one but two! Good for you. And congrats to your son. Beautiful patterns.

  9. Love both dress patterns and have the Butterick on my wish list, just need to get to Spotlight to purchase.

  10. I like both patterns and I think both will turn out really well. I'm sewing the Simplicity 2247 pattern at the moment for the third time. I made two summer dresses with it a couple of years ago and now I'm working on a winter version. I hadn't noticed the Butterick pattern but it looks a perfect choice too. Looking forward to seeing your finished versions.

  11. Can't wait to see the dresses, especially the Butterick (both yours and SarahLiz's) as it's a style that I think might suit me. I shall follow with interest.

  12. Yeah good for you! By the way I just love the Simplicity pattern 2247. I made it up about a year ago but never blogged about it... simply never enough hours in the day LOL. Looking forward to seeing yours and the fabric you've chosen for it should look great!
