Saturday, 28 September 2013

Can I please just check ...

... has anyone else encountered this message on today?
I am a tad reluctant to pop my email addie in, just incase this is bogus! But I can't seem to get to any page without this delightful message appearing. Hope someone else has had the same message ... thanks for your help ... J


  1. Yes I have received this message

  2. I got an email explaining that this would happen when I went to the site, due to a security breach.

  3. Thanks for this! When you live on the other side of 'The Pond' you do wonder what you are missing out on - have now changed my password and sewing can resume ... J

  4. Glad others answered as I got a message saying this would happen, I haven't visited today but expect to see that when I do.

  5. Thanks Judith... I will get in touch after my travels as I want to get a Brisbane seamstress meeting organised. Hope you are enjoying your holiday time too.

  6. I have also gotten message it is genuine , I also received a email form pattern review, hth
    happy sewing

  7. I too, received that message upon clicking a PR link. When I saw that Deepika had also emailed me, I felt confident in changing my password. Although, I must admit, I was confused by the comment that PR does not store CC information, and thus there are no worries that it was compromised. When I go to 'my account' on PR, I can see my CC information that they store. I have checked my CC account and so far, nothing is amiss.

    1. I read that part about the CC information too and was a bit skeptical. I've never given them my CC, so I don't have to worry either way, but it's odd that it said they don't store it if you can still see it. Maybe it's on a different server? I'm not a techie, but I think that's a possibility???

    2. Yeah, that comment had me worried too. I'd keep a close and regular eye on your credit card statements for the meantime!!

  8. I got an email message also - went ahead and changed my information.

  9. I had this also. The site was down most of the morning before that popped up, so I wasn't surprised when I read it either.

  10. I had the same email. The website was having troubles when I tried to log in last night.

  11. I also got the email. Cautious, like you, I didn't click any link in the email but opened a second browser and went to the site. The screen asking me to change my password was there, so I did. All works now. Seems to be real and not an elaborate scam.

  12. I got one too. I did change my password. I have never given the PR website my CC, so I wasn't worried about that.

  13. I have never given them my CC details either, and probably won't. Thanks for telling us about this Judith - I would have had the same concerns as you.

  14. Got it as well, and reset my password. No CC on file...

  15. I received an email from Deepika and this popped up when I logged on to Patternreview. Email said no financial info was compromised, but email addresses and passwords were hacked. Changed my password.

  16. I actually got the spam email from the hacker. Lucky old me. So I knew this bit was real as I'd sent it to Deepika.
