Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Who Would Believe ...

... that I have actually finished this cardi before Winter all but disappears! There are still a few chilly weeks left in our Queensland Winter that I will be able to wear this, without looking like I am overdressed looking in the distance for the snow clouds looming...
In reality, this is a quick and easy pattern to knit up, if you follow the directions 'as-is!' But where is the fun in that? The original pattern that I liked was ...

... from the Patons book #1264, View 8, a shaped cardigan using both Moss Stitch and Textured Stitch, and rated as Easy. Whilst I liked the simple design feature of the shaping around the waistline, and the simplicity of the Moss Stitch, which looks complicated but is very straightforward and brings a bit of interest to an otherwise plain cardi, I wasn't fussed on the high crew neckline. So I used the front ribbing and neckline from View 6 ...
And,  I could be considered a lazy knitter by some, as I have a dislike of knitting separate bands that only consist of 4 stitches - like a mini scarf, only worse! Having to stitch them on by hand is a big turn-off to me. Anyway, I will do anything to avoid this, so I added the 4 extra stitches onto both of the fronts and knitted the bands at the same time as the fronts, adding in the buttonholes at every second pattern line - brilliant!

Next on the list (sewing again, not knitting) is making a long sleeved winter top from this fabric hidden away in the stash...

I have just on 3 metres of this stretchy fabric, so at some stage must have had an inkling of making up a dress of sorts! But looking at it now, with a more 'mature' eye, I think the busyness of the print will only hold out for a top. Just need to delve into the pattern stash and see which will be the lucky pattern this time around. 

Love seeing all the summer sewing happening around the globe, and the few winter outfits popping up as well. So much happening, it is hard to keep up somedays...


  1. Hi Judith, I'll work backwards on your post - so, lastly, what a super bit of stash - yes, I think you would have to feel super confident to wear this pattern all over - but before cutting it, why not hold it up and see what looks best - I always do this - my patterned pants fabric only "worked" as pants - I held it up as a skirt, I held it up as a dress, and a jacket. It worked for pants or jacket.

    I do like the cardigan - I love the way you did the band - I'll snaffle this idea to put in my bag of tricks as well, if you don't mind. This Patons book looks good.

  2. I'm so impressed. Knitted a vest years ago and it took me a couple of years! LOL
    Your stash fabric is gorgeous. Is it a rayon knit or something else? the colors look wonderful and should go with lots of things.
    Have fun!

  3. Such a lovely sweater. Very timeless.
    The print is also a great piece. Look at it a little more before you just make a top. This would make up such a fun dress.

  4. Hi Judith! I like your cardigan, very cute and matching well with your pink blouse.
    I also like your pretty stash fabric:) Looking forward to see it in complete garment.

  5. What a great looking cardigan Judith!

  6. Wonderful looking cardigan and I've just purchased my wool and pattern for my knitted cardigan. Thank you for mentioning how you did the buttonholes e.g. every second pattern line this will be a good thing to work out with my pattern as every 5cm I am likely to forget.

  7. Great cardigan! I think you will get a lot of use out of it at the moment. I am almost finished mine!

  8. Love that cardi. Wished I could knit but don't have the patience. I think that fabric would look great made into anything cause you know how to style.

  9. It's even warmish tonight because of the rain Judith! I am so tired of the rain. I think that fabric would be great as a dress actually. I love hand made knit things and your cardi is no exception. I especially like the colour.

  10. Its meant to be summer here and we could definitely do with your cardi here lol. Great save on the knitting time incorporating the front bad.

    I do love your knit fabric and look forward to seeing what you make from it.

  11. Congratulations Judith! Mine is almost finished. I have a lovely silk that will go so well with the one that is almost finished :) I agree with Sarah...put it against you for a bit and see if you like it, before you cut into it. m.

  12. Such a beautiful sweater. Love it..
    And your fabric is gorgeous. Can't wait to see what pattern, you will choose.. Happy sewing.

  13. Your sweater is beautiful! I like the changes you made.

  14. I do so admire your knitting! You made a gorgeous cardigan. I love the fabric you pulled from the stash too. Looking forward to seeing what it becomes.

  15. Wow, you are amazing at knitting! I have only been able to make a scarf so far. You are very talented with both sewing and knitting.

  16. Ooo yay knitting!! Lovely job on the cardigan! I managed to finish knitting my big warm wool sweater just in time for summer, so I'm glad you're going to get some wear out of yours before it's too hot out. :) Love the deep colour you chose.

  17. That's a great little cardi, and what a terrific way of doing the button band! You are a genius!!

  18. Judith, I'm glad you will get to check out Trad's. Forgot you are also on holidays! I have finished my degree now so it's getting a job time. Let me know what you get... I hope those silks are still there!
