Saturday, 6 April 2013

The latest addition ...

... to my sewing room is a new sleeve board!  Hard to believe I have sewn for this long without one, but sadly I have never owned one before. If it wasn't for the lovely Suzy (Suzy Bee Sews) and her recommendation I would still be sleeve-board-less.
Sleeve board

Did I need one, really??? Well, after researching for a few minute the answer was clear - YES! I feel like the last little sewer who doesn't have one. So something had to be done.

First off, I put hubby to good use in the top shed to cut out a pattern. After searching I ended up using the one recommended by the curious kiwi... this lovely blogger has popped her pattern online to share, under pressing equipment. 

Following her pattern was super easy. It is basically just three pieces, screwed together and sanded.

Then I needed a cover. Craftsy had a free downloadable tutorial by Patchouli Moon Studio that I followed ... skill level 'Novice' - I was home and hosed now! Using the same fabric that was left over from my recently made ironing board cover and ideas board, my own sleeve board was becoming a reality. 

Next on my list of 'must-have's', now that the must-have bug has bitten, is -
* a dressmakers ham
* a seam roll
* a tailor board
* a clapper

Not sure which order I will make these, but make them I will. I am curious as to which one you find the most valuable to your sewing ... or have you made any yourself - all hints and tips appreciated ... J
Parting shot shows my current top still on 'the dummy' with my newest top half-constructed over it ... another top to pop into Faye's 2013 Essential Top Sew-A-Long -  it is made from a fabric that doesn't need ironing!!!!!


  1. Oh thanks for the free tutorial need to cover mine

  2. That is one gorgeous looking sleeveboard! I hope you get as much use out of it as I do, I use mine for so much more than just sleeves (its great to press pants waistbands on and collars!).

  3. What a nice sleeve board! I have a very old one and could NOT live without it! In fact, I have all of those tools you mention. You will love them! That is a beautiful cover. :)

  4. You must make the ham first. I think I could get by without a sleeve board, but not my ham.
    Your sleeve board is so lovely. And what a sweet husband to help:)

  5. Oh what a sweet and handy hubby you have! Beautiful job by both of you :)

    I agree with Rhonda about the ham. Essential! I planned on making one, but finding the right sort of sawdust to fill it with turned into more of a problem than I expected. With a woodworking hubby you may be in luck. :)

  6. This is great, your hubby is a diamond geezer!

    I made a Dressmakers Ham on my blog... it's DEAD-EASY!!

    Hope you're ok


  7. What a fab sleeve board. I will admit, I don't own one, or any of the other items you listed! I did see a sleeve board on sale the other day for a very cheap price, but I can't remember where I saw it! It was nowhere near as nice as this one though. I'll have to rope either my hubby or my dad into the woodwork part for one of these.

  8. Pressing equipment is so important. Great that you can coordinate fabrics and make covers to go with your sewing space.

  9. how neat is that, the more I look at it the more I think I need one lol!

  10. Thank you for the shout out to my blog and my free Craftsy tutorial. I am so glad to know someone actually made this ironing board sleeve with such great success. You will love using your sleeve board if you sew clothing a lot or need to iron the sleeves of shirts that you wash that need ironing too.

  11. I mostly use the tailor's ham and clapper. They're priceless tools and make for good pressing.

  12. Hey great job Judith! What a great husband! I'm interested to see how you use it.. my friend's mother had one just for pressing shirt sleeves but this was about 1976 I saw it and have never seen another one.

  13. Very nice indeed. Mine sadly folds flat,for storage and it really could do with a makeover, you are making me feel guilty.

  14. It's amazing to me the sewing tools we go without because we don't recognize them as "must haves"...I love the idea of having a sleeve board, so I'll make certain to check out the above links...thanks for posting.

  15. Can't believe you produce such lovely pieces without the "proper" pressing equip.

    Having said that I do not have a sleeve board. Especially one as nice as yours..Your hubby should go into production.

    I can not live without my ham and seam roll. At the moment I use my own hand as a clapper but will buy one when I can.

    You won't know yourself once you have a ham and seam roll.

  16. OMG your sleeve board is FANTASTIC!! It is SO much better than the 2 I bought recently, they're slightly different. Your's looks like the one that Kenneth King has on his "Jeanius" course on Craftsy.

    It seems that most of us commenting have the ham and sleeve roll, both of which I've had for years and use ALL THE TIME. I could not live without them either. Then, after watching Ann from Gorgeous Fabrics use the clapper in one of her videos, I borrowed one of my boy's large wooden blocks to try it out! WHAT a difference!! That's definitely another tool well worth having.

    Thanks for the links to the other tutorials, I'm already making some plans!

  17. Ohh yes yes, great job, and I love your cover, even the practical things should be pretty in my opinion. I am glad my pattern and tutorial helped, and thank you for the link back :) Enjoy your new sleeve board xx

  18. Hi Judith - I think we all want one now! And a sewing room just like yours to put it in!

  19. Judith, I don't have one.. but after seeing yours, I want one.. You and hubby ,did a great job..
    Love that it matches your new ironing board cover..Your sewing room is looking great.. No wonder , you are turning out so much pretty stuff.

  20. I'm loving your new sleeve board!! Thank you so much for sharing :)

  21. Wow, I love this! I'm going to make one as soon as possible! Thanks for your comment on my blog, the ham is literally a 30 min job from start to finish. I hope you have some more of that lovely fabric left to make it.

  22. Did you pad your sleeveboard, Judith? I am going to downlod that pattern and see if my dad can whip one up for me in his shed. I'd love to do some woodwork myself one day, but I don't have a shed yet!
