Saturday, 23 March 2013

2013 Essential ...

top SEW-A-LONG started today! 

Top Sew-A-Long

The clever Faye, from Faye's Sewing Adventure is hosting this annual top sew-a-long, between the dates of March 24th (today) till April 7th. Just long enough to whip up a much needed top, or two!

At this stage the following patterns are wetting my appetite ...

My Autumn/Winter wardrobe is in need of a new shirt, especially a lovely crisp white, and long sleeved tops are always welcome in my wardrobe. Not sure which one I will be starting with, but the sewing WILL start this coming Friday - first day of Easter school holidays ...

So far, over 40 others have signed up to join the Sew-a-long! If you are interested, pop on over to Faye's Sewing Adventure and add your name to the list. At the end of the Sew-a-long there will be a grande-finale of piccies for us all to drool over, and get ideas from. See you there...


  1. I sign myself up to these and then something else piques my interest. I think I will just watch in awe. Loving the look of your choices of patterns. Can't wait to see the end result.

  2. Hi Judith - glad you are joining in. I wonder what your final choice will be?

  3. I really like that wrap top in the bottom left corner.

    What a great idea for a sew-a-long! I'm going to join, I definitely need some essential tops. In fact I have 2 planned!

  4. Nothing like a crisp, white shirt!

  5. Thanks so much for joining in Judith!

  6. These are nice patterns. Any one of them would be a good choice. I may join the group as it will provide an incentive to finish a couple of tops. We'll see.

  7. what a shame I would have loved to join but have to concentrate on the wedding sewing.

  8. Judith.. so happy your joining in ..I am too.. It is going to be so fun..
    Love your board, looks like some pretty tops coming.. Happy sewing.

  9. Like your collection of tops - and I LOVE your sewing room. There'll be lots of inspiration coming out of there for us all to aspire to.....
