Friday, 30 December 2011

Shirt A Month! Is it possible SAM I AM???

What have I gone and done now??? Signed myself up to make a Shirt a Month in the coming year. blue mooney from Unzipped has started everyone off on this challenge and lots are joining in quickly. Probably the popularity on this one is that blue mooney has stated:

I think we should be inclusive rather than restrictive. We have to be able to go wherever the shirt muse takes us!  

So, when is a shirt not a shirt???? When it is a SAM, of course!!! Time for you to pop over to the Stitches Guild and sign up for this - don't wait until this time next year to discover you are short on shirts...
This really will be a fun, tricky challenge. Imagine having this problem in 12 months time - which shirt will I choose today???
My first thoughts are to divide the shirt making up into seasons ... break the 12 down into smaller more manageable sized chunks of sewing. Give me the illusion that really, this is an achievable goal. Also, it will make me look at what is needed in my wardrobe that can be worn now.

So, Down Under we are in the midst of our Summer. Read hot, humid, sticky, tropical, steamy...will stop there!! Starting this challenge in January 2012 will see me needing  summer shirts, same as for February. My first two shirts will (fingers crossed) reflect my need for short sleeved shirts using  light-wieght fabrics. Simple!!!

Using my trusty Shirt Worm I will be able to track along at how 'on target' I am, month to month. At this stage the little worm is on a big fat ZERO ... 
But, it is still 2011 and I have but 2 quick days to get my act together. The New Years Eve fireworks in Brisbane will signal my start...
How many of these hangers do you think will be filled with shirts in exactly 12 months from now???
Anyone else going to join in on this one??? Go on, we all need at least one new little white classic shirt in our repertoire - the versatility factor is with the shirt...


  1. Mmm. I am sorely tempted SAM I AM! But.......I have my own challenge happening in my neck of the woods. Better not mess with my mojo or I'll end up getting NOTHING done! I will be following your worm though. Good luck!

  2. Great post - very funny - I joined too so will be an interesting SAM.

    Happy New Year - you will get there before us in the UK.

  3. Pam: your Lutterloh challenge certainly is a huge one, maybe it falls under the LAM (Lutterloh-A-Month) category!!! Happy New Year to you, and your mojo...

    Pauline: So I will get to see you in 'i-SAM land' - it will be a great challenge. And yes, a Happy New Year to you as well, only 12 hours till kick-off for us...

  4. Oh wow - good luck with the challenge! I haven't even made ONE shirt so I don't think I could join in - but I can't wait to see how you do and what you end up creating!!! Happy 2012!

  5. Suzie: fingers crossed for my collars and cuffs - they are going to be the learning curve ride for me on this challenge. I figure I could always wear a jacket over the top of shirts to hide the bloopers...

  6. Oh my goodness! I am so going to watch this space!! That has got to be the most impressive challenge to date. I won't be joining you on this one I'm afraid.... took me an age to finish just one last year! But I do wish you all the best!! :-)

  7. 12 shirts in 12 months? Yikes - that sounds like a hell of a challenge! I'm looking forward to seeing what you churn out :) I'm wilting in the heat and wondering why everything I'm making is more suited to summer... Time to start something more season appropriate me thinks! Happy New Year!

  8. Hun, what a crazy challenge. Good luck as I know you can make it !

  9. If only I didn't suffer from such crippling placketphobia....good luck and I know you will keep me interested and envious!

  10. Wow! I just found your blog when you commented on mine. You do amazing work! I want in on this SAM challenge. I went to the link and clicked, but don't see a sign up. Is it more an unofficial challenge? I'm still in!
